Proven. Thoughtful. Committed.

He sufrido un accidente en el trabajo. ¿Qué debería hacer? (2a parte)

On Behalf of | Apr 8, 2016 | Workers' Compensation |

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Este es la Parte 2 de una serie de varias partes que se trata de qué debería hacer si se resultó herido en un accidente laboral.

Lea la primera parte aquí.


Parte 2 – Buscar tratamiento médico y asistencia legal

Paso 1: Conseguir tratamiento médico

Si sus heridas son restrictivas y requieren atención médica, recirbirla lo más pronto possible. Durante su visita, no olvide tomar nota de todas las heridas que salieron de su accidente. Avise a su proveedor de las circunstancias de su accidente: cómo ocurrió, cuándo ocurrió, y por qué ocurrió.

Paso 2: Cumplir con su régimen médico

Siga todos los órdenes médicos que le manda su proveedor médico a tratar sus heridas. Este incluye tomar medicamentos prescritos, someterse a todas las pruebas diagnósticas recomendadas, y seguir cualquier restricción médica que su doctor le imponga. No suponga que sus heridas se vayan sin tratamiento médico.

Paso 3: Buscar asistencia legal y asesoramiento legal

Si sus heridas son graves y pretenden causar un impedimiento permanente, arregle una cita con un abogado de compensación de trabajadores consumado para hablar de su reclamación. Prácticamente todos los abogados evalúan reclamaciones y le avisan de sus derechos a partir de una consulta gratis sin compromiso. Muchas veces, se consigue información de gran valor en estas visitas.

Paso 4: Contratar a un abogado

Si su reclamación lo merece, contrate a un abogado que se especialice en la compensación de trabajadores para representarle. Virtualmente todos los abogados en este campo se cobran reclamaciones bajo un sistema de “honorario de contingencia” lo cual significa que los honorarios legales vienen de su reclamación. Si gana, paga un honorario. Si pierde, no se debe ningún honorario. Mientras busca a un abogado calificado, recuerde que algunos son mejores, y a veces bastante más competentes y experimentados, que otros. Típicamente, el abogado mejor obtendrá la mejora reivindicación que haya y facilitará el proceso para el cliente.

Para encontrar nuestra información de contacto, visite nuestra página de contacto.


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Atwood Holsten Brown Deaver Spier

What Our Clients Say

The lawyers and support staff at Atwood Law Firm showed me sincere interest and caring on a very personal level, and I knew at all times my interests were front and center in all aspects of my workers' compensation case. This office is staffed by a great group of people. You can relax and be assured that your welfare comes first and foremost in their decisions and actions with respect to your legal case. You are kept aware of the process and progress in your case at all times, and your input is welcomed. I highly recommend the Atwood Law Firm to anyone needing legal assistance.

- WN

I cannot thank you enough for the peace of mind you have brought to my family! Both of my parents are extremely grateful for your work. I knew we were in good hands from the first meeting and you have exceeded all my expectations! It may feel straightforward to you, but to us, you have moved mountains. This settlement will allow my parents, particularly my Dad, to enjoy the rest of their lives to the fullest of their abilities. We all agree that we would give every cent back and more for my Dad to walk again, but that is not going to happen...

- DW

"...He didn't treat me like I was one of 100 clients. He treated me like I was his only client. He acted professionally but with empathy, dignity and friendliness. It didn't matter if it was something small or large, he was always there for me, be it by phone, fax, email, cellphone or meeting me personally at his office or elsewhere. He never rushed me when I didn't understand something, he'd take as much time as needed to explain things to me, especially when it came time for my deposition and in preparation for trial. He was there for me when I truly needed his help..."

- CG

"...My husband and I felt his kindness immediately and were both very impressed with his knowledge of what to expect in a wrongful death case. He pursued our claim in an aggressive manner while at the same time being very protective of our rights and privacy and sheltered us from any unnecessary contact with insurance agents, or any other adverse parties. My husband and I cannot say enough about the kindness, professionalism and legal ability demonstrated by Atwood Law"

- RD

"...If it were not for this law firm all I would have received from this injury would have been a loss of income check and a pat on the back, goodbye. Which only would have been a fraction of what I actually received. He was always professional but more importantly he cared about me and my family as people not just a client. He went beyond his role as my lawyer. He even spoke with my bank and explained why I was behind on my car payment. And this saved me getting my car repossessed..."

- HR

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Lincoln, NE 68521

Toll Free: 800-655-9606
Phone: 402-817-2717
Fax: 402-476-4410


699 Walnut Street
Suite 415
Des Moines, IA 50309


Omaha Office

14301 First National Bank Parkway
Suite 100
Omaha, NE 68154

Toll Free: 800-655-9606
Phone: 402-817-2717
Fax: 402-476-4410