The economic, personal and social costs of truck accidents ensure continuing efforts to prevent them with education, enforcement and technological innovation. Drivers in Nebraska may soon see a number of new technologies designed for prevention, but one idea that has been developed by Samsung and tested in Argentina is unlikely to come into domestic use in the near future.
The truck is designed to prevent the risk of accidents when cars try to pass trucks on two-lane roads. The size of commercial semis tends to limit visibility for drivers of smaller vehicles, which can pose the threat of trucking accident and multi-vehicle collisions. Samsung has eliminated the visibility problem by placing front-mount cameras connected to four screens on the rear of the truck. The effect is likened to a see-through vehicle.
Cost was not mentioned as a factor hampering adoption of the system in the U.S. Instead, one observer argued against viability on psychological grounds and by referring to the promise of more comprehensive technologies. She stated that drivers would be just as likely to attempt passing even if they could see oncoming traffic. Even if Samsung pursues the U.S. market, regulatory hurdles are likely.
No solution has so far provided a magic bullet against truck accidents. Injured victims are often still required to engage in a legal process for the financial recovery of medical expenses, lost wages and other damages. A distracted or otherwise negligent truck driver can cause tremendous pain and suffering for victims. Those who are injured in these types of collisions may wish to obtain the assistance of a personal injury attorney in pursuing damages against the responsible party.